Since November 2012 all the DLCs for this game have had a nasty habit of randomly disappearing then reappearing only to disappear again days or weeks later. All pictures in this guide were taken by Terminator. To enter these codes, from the Main Menu go: Options => Extras => Enter Code. The maps are called Fortress, Gulch, Scrapheap and Transmission. Gold Breaker Sledgehammer - HARDHITTER (This will be available from the start if you start a new game, otherwise it will cost you 75 Salvage to buy from an Upgrade Table).Ĥ Bonus Wrecking Crew Maps - MAPMAYHEM (This code was originally only available to people who pre-ordered the game from certain retailers). The following cheats do not disable trophies or the ability to save (the codes are case sensitive): Whilst the MP trophies have become harder to obtain (specifically the 250 Ranked Wins), enough perseverance and a few good teammates are enough to earn you this extremely rare Platinum. There are only two, possibly three Ranked trophies in the game, all the others can be done in Custom matches. The Multiplayer trophies include 250 Ranked Wins, 5,000 Kills, Complete 16 Hidden Challenges etc. The single player trophies include finding collectibles, freeing various sectors of Mars, destroying buildings etc. Whilst the single player campaign has a few tricky trophies in the bunch, the Multiplayer portion is where you'll be spending the majority of your time. The game uses the Geo-Mod 2.0 engine which allows the player to strategically take down structures anyway they choose. Red Faction: Guerrilla is an open-world 3rd Person Shooter that takes place on Mars and is the third game in the series. See the Cheats section below for details of which codes don't disable anything. The in-game cheats do disable trophies and the ability to save but there are 2 codes that don't affect either. Do cheat codes disable trophies?: Yes and no. Does difficulty affect trophies?: No so set the difficulty to Casual. Glitched trophies?: Yes, 6 - Revolutionary, Working the Land, Juggernaut, Courier of Pain, Mad Genius, A Winner is You! and War Veteran.
Number of missable trophies?: Yes, 1 - Warp Speed
Minimum number of playthroughs needed?: 1 for Campaign Mode, multiple playthroughs of Wrecking Crew mode and many, many MP games. Approximate amount of time to ?: 150-200hrs+ (this estimate is heavily dependent on skill and the amount of time spent boosting) ( Estimated Time to Platinum).
Online (breakdown): (18, 1, 2 ) All except 6 of these trophies can be done offline if you have a 4-player LAN setup.
Estimated trophy difficulty: 8/10 ( Platinum Difficulty Thread)